Financial Times (FT) has published its 2022 EMBA Rankings, positioning the University of St.Gallen’s Executive MBA programme on the 32th place globally – gaining 10 ranks from the previous year (#42 in 2021). This is, by far, our programme’s best historic result in this highly competitive ranking.
This year, our EMBA programme leads the globe in the Career Progress category, reaching #1 Worldwide! And upholds, with a score of 82%, its global podium in the Aims Achieved category, ranking #2.
Within Europe, our Executive MBA programme is climbing further up, ranking #16 in 2022 (#19 in 2021), and in Switzerland (#2), keeps defending its position as one of our country’s top Executive MBA programmes.
“This result is a reflection of our clear strategy to become one of the most sought-after and relevant EMBA experiences in Europe and worldwide. We feel definitely encouraged to continue our efforts in improving the relevance of our curriculum and quality of our cohorts in the coming years.” – says Prof. Dr. Karolin Frankenberger, Academic Director Executive MBA HSG.
The Financial Times 2022 ranking is led by Kellogg-HKUST, who regained the #1 position, followed by Ceibs (#2) and Tsinghua University/Insead (#3).
Congratulations are in order to the whole EMBA HSG Community, our tight-knit group of relentless explorers with whom we are sure we’ll keep reaching global summits in the years to come.
Find the full results of the 2022 FT EMBA Ranking here.
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